Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 720

Chapter 720


Trevor Faulkner.

Tyrone was surprised.

He assumed that the person was Bradley, as he had missed out on dinner with Sabrina earlier, and Tyrone believed he was contacting her to make new plans.

He didnt expect it to be Trevor, the guy he met in Norwen!

He and Sabrina were still in touch!

Trevor wants to take Aunt Sabrina away from you. You must do something.

Tyrone smiled. Dont worry, I wont let him succeed.

But the biggest obstacle wasnt Trevor, but Bradley.

After returning home, Sabrina prepared herself a bowl of noodles.

As she ate, her phone buzzed with a message from Darren.

Setting her bowl aside, she eagerly opened it.

Miss Chavez, Ive gathered some information for you. Ill present it step by step.

Darren wrote, The kidnapping, which occurred ten years ago, seems to have left a Limited digital footprint. I was able to restore some news and posts using technology, but it appears there is still a scarcity of information. From what I have gathered, the hostage was a college student from an ordinary family, and fortunately, he was successfully rescued.

As for who erased the information and reports from the web, I can only speculate that it was the family of the hostage. It is common for them to prefer privacy and choose not to have personal information, especially in sensitive or traumatic situations, readily available on the Internet. It is worth noting that media outlets may have chosen not to disclose the hostages name to respect the privacy of the individual and their family.

Sabrina asked, Did the kidnappers get a ransom? Were they caught in the end?

Darren replied, I couldnt find anything about a ransom, and the kidnappers werent caught. There are just two individuals listed as wanted. I find that fact puzzling. I have uncovered the identity of the man who was with Decker. His name is Zeke Faulkner. He and Decker are from the same town, yet Zekes name doesnt appear on the list of wanted individuals.

Coincidentally, Zeke relocated overseas the day after your fathers passing. I did a comparison of photographs, and he probably is one of the kidnappers captured in the image your father took. Ill send you the comprehensive details about him for your review.

A few moments later, Darren forwarded the document.

Curiosity tugged at Sabina as she contemplated opening the document, but Darrens texts kept flowing. Despite our awareness of his connection to Decker, the fact remains that hes not listed as wanted.

Without concrete evidence, we cant prove anything.

Zeke managed to elude the police entirely, leaving them without a lead to follow. So, it was no surprise that Sabrinas fathers death had been officially Labeled an accident.

